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Wife to Adam, mommy to Alexa & Adlee Grace, Christ follower, owner at NewSpring Church, lover of Clemson football, and all things monogrammed. Looking for ways to simplify, serve, and teach my girls what life is all about.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I changed my template and now it won't let me add page elements...what happened??

I am no longer trying to fix this...my mind doesn't want to think about it right now. So, I'm going to leave it alone for now and I might fix it tomorrow or the next day...sorry for any inconvenience!

Ok, somehow it started allowing me to add page elements when I got home...who knows!!


Mrs. Mullen said...

HELP I need somebody, HELP anybody...

mmmmk, sorry that just came to mind after reading your post.

ANYWAYS, I came on here to tell you that I miss ALEXA.....and u ;)


Kristen =) said...

Ohhhh I like this background too!