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Wife to Adam, mommy to Alexa & Adlee Grace, Christ follower, owner at NewSpring Church, lover of Clemson football, and all things monogrammed. Looking for ways to simplify, serve, and teach my girls what life is all about.

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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Happy Birthday??

As I said, yesterday Jodi and I were hoping to scrap, well we did, and we had a great time. I have to say I'm super proud of both babies because they were very well behaved while their mamas were playing! We had to take a few baby breaks, but for the most part they played well together and entertained themselves. I'm not really sure what has happened to my scrapbooking abilities, but I totally blame the cricut! I just can't explain how much I LOVE it!! I remember when I used to go to Danna's on Friday night and spend 3 or 4 hours and get 4 to 6 pages done...well no more! There are just so many options with the cricut...and they are ever increasing as we experiment with the software! The great thing about the software is it makes visualizing everything so much easier, not to mention that you can weld EVERYTHING together and not only make awesome words, but you can also weld the different designs together to make page borders and other kinds of things too. I have only gotten to play with it a little bit, but I can tell it's going to be awesome, and my addiction is going to get even stronger!

Jodi worked on a page with a picture of Walker with Brad's mom, and I FINALLY finished Alexa's birthday spread. I was super pleased with how it turned out. The whole thing is full of cricut cuts! We also played with shrinky dinks yesterday...it's plastic that you cut out into any shape you want, and it's about as thick as a transparency, then you color it or leave it white, and bake it...it shrinks (hence the name) and becomes a thick piece of plastic and ou can use it like a charm. We used the cricut to cut different charms, and then baked them, it's really cool! We did an A and a W at 4", and they ended up being about 1.5" charms. They will look super cute on a page!

The rest of the weekend has been pretty uneventful, I was hoping to get some other things done, but that's just not going to happen now. Oh well! Tonight we have our Christmas music, and sadly, mama has lost her voice so she can't sing :(. She was hoping she would be better by today, but she isn't, and I told her she doesn't need to try and strain her voice! I hope we have a great time tonight, and that God is completely glorified through our performance! I hope everyone had a great weekend! As we look into the coming week, we are getting so close to Christmas, don't forget the reason for the season...and don't let anyone ruin it for you! Only 9 more days!! :) I'm so excited, this is going to be an awesome Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Savior!

The journal tag slides under the picture...it needs some ribbon, but I didn't have any that worked yesterday, so I'll have to add that later. Then the pink at the bottom was a shrinky dink that has Alexa Lynn '07 written on it.

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