Wednesday, March 18, 2009
It's Wednesday
I am really looking forward to this weekend. Alexa and I are going to spend the day together Friday, and then Friday afternoon I'll be headed to Cola to hang out with Linds. We are planning all sorts of fun girly stuff since Sevy is going off w/ the boys. We don't get to hang out like this very often because we are both pretty busy, and weekends are just such precious time. I can't even tell you the last time we did something by ourselves.
Now it's time for a few updates. As you can tell from my exercise snapshot on the sidebar I am keeping up with that fairly well. Last week didn't end as well as I would've hoped, but I jumped right back in on Monday. Just to prove how dedicated I am...I have decided to walk on Friday even though I am not working and I could sleep late instead. Are you impressed?? I am! Let's wait and make that statement on Friday when I actually do walk. LOL!
Alexa is right in the middle or almost through (I can dream right??!!) the terrible twos. I just don't think that name does this stage justice! How in the world she can go from being a sweet little angel one minute to an angry, screaming mess the next is beyond me. I've tried to explain various things to her, and that if she would just listen she would probably get her way, but to no avail! Bedtime has become our greatest struggle, and I have no idea why. She used to go down without a fuss, and then suddenly that went away. I miss it!
I can say that my patience with her has GREATLY IMPROVED! I have a fiery temper (that's putting it mildly!) and on more than one occasion I have lost it when she has one of her fits. I am sure you are all surprised that when I am able to remain calm the situation resolves much more quickly. WOW! If I don't spaz out, it helps her to calm down as well. Patience is certainly not my forte, but it is quickly improving because I am forced to use it so frequently now. LOL!
Well, I guess that's it for now. Hopefully I'll have some GREAT pictures to post after our girls weekend. I know Lindsey will be happy about that...I always drive her crazy with my picture taking. I don't know why, I mean pictures are fun right??!! OH well, she will get over it one way or the other. I hope everyone has a good end to the week, and a great weekend as well!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Here you go Linds!
Looking out the window at our airplane
Skunky face in her seat :)
Just slightly dramatic!
Eating pretzels and watching Dora on the travel DVD (thanks Jodi)
Saturday morning Alexa decided her "lovies" needed a shower
Silly the mornings she will look at me and say my hair is WILD!
This picture is so funny! My cousin Pam lives in DC and she got 2 shirts (one for me and one for Alexa) and she wanted us to put them on and then come out and show Pop...I thought that might not be such a good idea...she thought it would be funny but I wasn't sure Pop would agree. Alexa put hers on over her jammies and we all laughed about it. She of course had no idea what it was all about, but Pam kept trying to get her to say "Obama"
Ready to play!
On the playground...aren't her sunglasses cute :)
This cute little playground was part of the country club we stayed at, and we really enjoyed it. Unfortunately it rained Sunday so we didn't get to go back!
Alexa wasn't so sure about this part b/c they were like little islands that moved!
but with Mimi's help she made it all the way across!
Coming down the slide
Up the other set of steps
What a big girl...she didn't need any help when she could reach the rails.
Mimi and Lexa
Mommy and Lexa ready for the Memorial Service
Riding on the horsey
In the little house with Sophia
Alexa loved the trampoline and jumped on it by herself for a little while, and then she got down. She decided she wanted to get back up, and instead of asking for help she thought she could do it!
She came pretty close!
Aloha Friday
Welcome to this week's edition of Aloha Friday...Friday is one of my favorite days because they are usually shorter work days (although not this week) and it means more time to spend with my fam. Tonight W is coming to visit A for the night and I'm pretty excited. They have the best time together, and their laughter is contagious! Gotta love