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Wife to Adam, mommy to Alexa & Adlee Grace, Christ follower, owner at NewSpring Church, lover of Clemson football, and all things monogrammed. Looking for ways to simplify, serve, and teach my girls what life is all about.

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Weekend Write-Up

Hi friends, sorry if I've been scarce this week, my father-in-law was unexpectedly put in the hospital last Friday night & we made an emergency trip to SC on Saturday. Adam is still there supporting his mom, while Alexa & I have resumed our "normal" life, well as normal as it can be with ones husband away.

I am super excited about the weekend ahead! I have planned some fun activities for my girl & have a few new recipes to try. I can't wait to share. So, here's a sneak peak at what I'm planning!
  • Toaster pastries
  • Chocolate chip cookies (made with oat flour)
  • Flour tortillas
  • Rosemary cheese crackers
I love attempting new recipes especially when I am using freshly ground wheat, it makes such a big difference. What a great feeling knowing the carbs my family is consuming are actually good for them!

Are there recipes you would like to share with me? Leave a comment and let me know! I'll meet you back here soon for an update & pictures.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A New Road

Ready for school
     Last Tuesday marked the beginning of a new era at our house, the school age, and I don't think any of us could've been more excited.  The night before was spent prepping lunch, painting a sign, and discussing all the fun to be had the next day.  It is hard for me to imagine how quickly these past 6 years have gone, and that my little girl is actually in kindergarten.  On her first day Adam and I took her to school and waited (what seemed like forever) for them to open the doors.  We dropped her off with her teacher and went on with life as usual.  I have to imagine Adam's day felt immensely different as he was able to work distraction free without Alexa interruptions.  I know there are moms who dread this day, but when I look at that sweet face I don't see how that would've been possible for me!  She was obviously beyond excited to go to kindergarten, and only slightly agitated that I would not let her ride the bus.
     I am so pleased at the things she learns each day and she more than willing to share them with us when she gets home.  The expressions on her face show her love of learning.  Something I hope will continue to grow.  So begins the chronicle of this journey we call school, I can't wait to look back in a few years and see how her interests have changed or how she is unwaivered in her determination to be a "baby doctor".

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Magic Muffins

muffins for the week ahead
When I started using freshly milled wheat I really struggledwith baking bread, largely because yeast scares me!  Are the ingredients in the right order, is ittouching my wet ingredients, is my water warm enough?  Then I learned that in the world of bakingall flour is not created equal.  This meantthe recipes I was trying to use were not compatible and as a result my bread was fallingeach and every time!  I was ready tothrow the mill out the window.  Then I founda recipe for muffins, and it worked without fail . This recipe is a family fave, and not because they are delicious (eventhough they are) but because they are quick, versatile, and are yeast free.

What I love about this recipe is that I can change the ingredientsand my family has something new each time, and yet my recipe hasn’tchanged.  First we will start with thebasics and then move on to the variations we love.

2 ¼ cups freshly milled flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/3 cup honey
1/3 cup oil
1 egg
1 cup buttermilk

Mix all ingredients and scoop into 12-18 muffin cups(depending on how large you like your muffins) bake at 400 for 15-18 minutes.

Easy enough?  Now,this is where you need to think outside the box!  Here is what you need to know, you can addany spices, fruit, vegetables, and change out the grain used to make thesemuffins work for you.  A few of ourfavorites are corn muffins (made with freshly ground corn, a cup of cheese, and a cup of frozen corn), chocolate bananamuffins (using Ezekiel mix as the flour, chocolate chips, and 3 mashed bananas), and squash/zucchini muffins (hard red and white flour, grated squash or zucchini, your kids have no idea these yummy muffins contain veggies).  I love adding cinnamon and vanilla to thesweet versions, and one of these days when almond extract crosses my mind and I’m actually at the store (can anyone say list?) I would love to see what thatdoes to them.

What combinations can you come up with that would makefabulous muffins?  Give me somesuggestions and I’ll try them out and let you know what we think! 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Time flies!

So much has happened over the past few months, and clearly my intentions of blogging have gone awry. Here is a quick update on what we’ve been doing. Alexa started 5K last week, and is loving every minute of it. She is extremely proud that she knows where her classroom is and can walk in all by herself. I love her sweet independent spirit; most of the time. Adam has been helping my sister & her fam with their business for about 4 months now. If you’re not familiar with our products I would highly recommend checking them out here. He has done a great job being a work-at-home dad and waits patiently in the car line each day to bring Alexa home. I continue working for Community Health as part of their residency program and I really love it. I am so thankful God has blessed me with this job and can’t wait to see what the future hold. We are also watching Resonate Church bloom and blossom during these beginning stages, and can clearly see God’s hand upon the work we are doing there. We will officially launch services in just a few weeks! I can’t believe this time last year we were just making the decision to move, man how time flies!

Another journey we began a few months ago was the quest to live a healthier, happier lifestyle. It seems my entire adult life I have been on a diet of some sort, and at times I have thought it would always be that way. Then it hit me, I didn’t want Alexa to be standing in the middle (ok fine at the end) of her 20’s feeling the same way. I began using Weight Watchers in May and have lost 16 pounds so far, I have to admit it is nice to see lower numbers on the scale, but I don’t always feel lighter. I definitely have a few pounds left to lose, but we are working each day as a family to eat better and slowly but surely we will get there.

homemade fruit pancakes from freshly milled wheat
cinnamon raisin bread
One of the biggest changes we’ve made is cutting out the processed food in our diets. Now, let me say I love a hotdog as much as the next girl (probably more) and I highly doubt I will ever go without them, but in general less processed is crossing our table. We are working on doing more clean eating, you know not eating food with ingredients that you can’t pronounce or spell! This has made a huge difference. Along those same lines we have started milling our own grains, and I couldn’t be more thrilled about it! What a great feeling to know that I am providing my family with healthy, nutritious whole grain breads, muffins, cookies, and so much more!

I know some of you might be shaking your head and thinking ‘I don’t have time for that’, and to be honest I thought the same thing. When Jodi started milling their wheat I thought it was a great idea, but she’s also a stay work-at-home mom who must have more time than I do. Then I began hearing about the health benefits and knew it was something we needed to do. We bought a grain mill, found a local supplier, and haven’t looked back. Typically speaking I bake once a week for the whole week, it takes anywhere from 45 minutes to a few hours depending on what I’m making that week, and what else I have going on. It is a commitment I have made to our family to keep us on our journey to whole foods living.

Over the next weeks and months I plan to continue updating you all on our progress.  We would love to have you check-in and leave any comments or feedback you might have.  If you care to join us that would be great too...the more the merrier right?!  I will share recipes and pictures of the things we make, and let you know if they were deemed worthy of appearing on our table again.  I hope to see you around again soon!